Category Archives: Communication

5 P’s of Vocal Variety in Presentation Skills – Part 1 Pitch

5P’s of Voice Training & Presentation Skills – Part 1

Ever heard a boring speaker?  Wanted to walk way from the monotone sound of their voice? 

Voice is a powerful tool for presenters. Voice can make all the difference between success and failure when you’re aiming to engage your audience. In sales meetings, company updates or technical meetings, it is critical to keep your audience involved and interested in your remarks. Learn how to stretch your voice by understanding the 5 P’s of Voice Control including Pitch, Pace, Pause, Projection & Personality. 

This is the first of a five part series on how to add intrigue to your remarks by varying your voice dynamics.  Let’s get started with Pitch.



Pitch refers to the ups and downs of your notes when you speak. We all have the ability to speak from a vocal range – which includes higher notes and lower notes. However, it takes great awareness and practice to notice your own pitch and to change it consciously. Why is pitch important? A monotone voice bores the audience and a bored audience is less likely to recall your key points or to take action. To play around with pitch try thinking of popular characters who have voices at either end of the vocal range then practice speaking (or singing!) like them. For example you might think of Michael Jackson’s high pitched voice and then compare it with Barry White’s deeper tones. You can also simulate the voices of movie actors to start expanding your own range. Over time your awareness and practice with pitch will enable you to vary your voice as you speak – all in the aim of drawing your audience into your remarks. Now that we’ve looked at Pitch, watch for Part 2 of the series when we will discuss Pace. In the meantime, if you want additional information on how to hone your presentation skills visit our website to get a free copy of report on how to Master Your Presentation Skills at or at


Improve Presentation Skills With Solutions For Audience

Generally speaking, professionals in your work world are busy people. More to the point, they have limited time and interest in other people’s problems. However, they do possess an unwavering interest in their own lives and predicaments. That said; if you want to engage an audience you need to identify the problem faced by your listeners and then go on to SOLVE it!! Moreover, you want to impress upon them that they can solve their own predicament by listening to your presentation and following the steps you provide.

Solution focused speaking is an important asset in your communication tool box. By highlighting the pain or dilemma your listeners face you can then let them know that your presentation will provide key tools to assist them in resolving their own issue. One way to share your solution and how it applies to your listener is to outline your experience and how it applies to the audience by using the W4H1 Approach. This W4H1 approach has long been used by writers to convey information in a concise and organized manner. It involves utilizing a five-pronged explanatory approach by asking and answering five questions; these questions start with either a “W” or an “H”. For example, look at questions that start with: What? Where? When? Why? & How? This combination of five helps you to provide a concise overview of your own experience.

For example, let’s say that you were talking to a group of professionals who were concerned about upcoming layoffs. After first tapping into the pain and anguish this is undoubtedly producing in a group of staff, you could discuss how you successfully prepared for and transitioned through a lay off experience by starting your own consulting business. Let’s look at the W4H1 approach and how it would apply to this example of starting a consulting business. Notice that the questions are also written in an audience focused manner by dealing with what THEY can do, rather than a pure history of what YOU yourself did.

1. What Can You Do?

2. Where Can You Find Customers?

3. When Should You Start Your Business?

4. Why Promote Your Services?

5. How Can You Promote Your Services?

By answering each of these questions in a clear and concise manner you are directing your audience to solution oriented steps that they can take to resolve their issue. Your audience will thank you for not only connecting with their dilemma, but for explicitly helping them to understand a solution and take action!

For more information on how to communicate with your audience visit our websites at or today to find out about presentation skills training, communication seminars, and free resources. Bold New Directions specializes in three critical areas of professional success: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills and Resilience Skills. Learn more about training options at Bold New Directions at or

Presentation Skills Training Gets You Ahead In Your Workplace

In today’s economy, most professionals are aware of the need to perform well on the job. It’s a tough market and in times of trouble you want to be noticed for your ability, not only to do your job, but to shine in all situations. What can you do to improve your retainability?  How about setting a bold new direction?

Participating in Presentation Skills Training is a surefire strategy to improve your impact at work. Here are three reasons why it pays to invest in your ability to present to groups – both large and small:

1. Increase Your Confidence
Presentation Skills Training takes you through a learning process which includes videotaping your performance and reviewing specific feedback on how to improve. Look for a program that allows you to get taped several times so that you can see your progress over time. By giving presentations to a small audience and being taped, you gain the experience of “just doing it” which automatically increases your confidence. And we all know that a confident presenter speaks volumes over someone who is tentative or uncomfortable at the podium.

2. Increase Your Impact
Once you’re comfortable in front of a group you can work on your impact by playing with several dynamics including vocals, visuals, and verbal content. A polished presenter knows the importance of using their voice to engage the audience. They do this by varying their pitch, their volume and even their pace. Moreover, a seasoned presenter knows how to use visual aids and structure their remarks in a way that maximizes audience involvement. Ultimately, these skills show up in formal presentations as well as day to day discussions and meetings. Making the investment in presentations skills training enhances your ability to make an impact in the boardroom, the client meeting, and in everyday discussions. 

3. Stand Out from the Pack
When it comes right down to it, management notices those who stand out from the pack. In today’s hectic environment, the professional who is comfortable giving an impromtpu presentation distinguishes him or herself from others. Increased comfort and confidence in presentation skills allows one to display leadership in meetings….without worrying about words, gestures, or nervousness.  Stand out from your peers by demonstrating that you are an accomplished presenter who is comfortable in front of a crowd. You’ll be glad you did when you get that next promotion!

There are a variety of presentations skills training programs to choose from.  At Bold New Directions, a transformational learning organization, we have seen huge success with the Skilled Presenter™, Powerful Presentation Coaching, and Think On Your Feet® workshops.  Suzanne Guthrie, co-founder of Bold New Directions, points out that “even the shyest and most timid person came make an impact with targeted presentations skills training and coaching”.  For more information about our presentation skills training, business communications workshops, and coaching programs check out our website at

Bold New Directions is a Transformational Learning Organization co-founded by Suzanne Guthrie and Jim Hornickel. Between them they have 50 years of experience in facilitating group training in Communications Skills, Leadership Skills, and Resilience in the Workplace. You can learn more about them and their training, coaching, keynotes and retreats by going to

Communication Skills Training For Business Professionals

All of us have to communicate in our offices, our schools and our homes.  Why then do we have so much trouble?  Surprisingly, few of us have learned how to organize our thoughts for maximum effectiveness.  However, we can learn alot about communications by listening to media experts. 


Think On Your Feet® is a communications skills training program for business professionals.  It takes communication techniques, honed by media professionals, and tailors them to situations faced by business people the world over.  Who hasn’t been put on the spot in a business meeting, or asked to give an impromptu report on a project with little or no preparation?  Who wouldn’t want a sure fire way to lessen the pressure & improve impact? 


Broadly speaking, the Think On Your Feet® program recognizes that effective communication requires us to organize our thoughts.  More specifically, we must organize our thoughts into simple word patterns that our listeners can easily follow. And even more to the point, we must ensure we speak with Clarity, Brevity and Impact™ – the hallmarks of great communication. 


Picture taking a long driving holiday with no clear destination or roadmap.  Imagine the confusion and queries from your traveling companions about where you’re going and when you’ll get there.  Well, communicating without clarity is alot like taking a long car ride without proper navigation.  It’s long, tiring and rambling.


On the other hand, picture a well planned driving trip.  One where the destination is clearly stated and the map is well marked with rest stops along the way.  This scenario makes for a better trip for both the driver and the passenger.  Communicating with Think On Your Feet® is like letting your listeners (passengers) know where you’re going, and what they’re going to see (hear) along the route.  It helps both you and your listeners focus on the message (trip) and get to your destination directly.


 Fortune 1000 firms, mid-sized businesses, and corporate universities are learning how to enhance their business communications through Think On Your Feet® training programs.  They are ensuring that their front-line staff, business professionals, and managers develop this new competency in business communication. 


Suzanne Guthrie, of Bold New Directions, is an accredited facilitator and affiliate of Think On Your Feet® International.  She leads Think On Your Feet® workshops across North America from her base in New England.  When your organization is looking to improve communication skills, consider Think On Your Feet®. Or if you have an interest in presentation skills look at the sister program called The Skilled Presenter.   For more information about our training programs please go to the Bold New Directions website at