Presentation Training Skills – Time Hijackers

You’ve carefully planned your presentation. The material is solid, your timing impeccable. But you are running late. People keep holding back the flow by asking questions. At our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we cover how to handle presentation hijackers.


Everyone in the audience is there to meet their own needs of the material. That makes sense. But not everyone is emotionally aware (socially aware) of their impact on others. How do you handle that. During our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we agree that respectful intruding is not a learned behavior of most people/professionals.


In order to manage your presentation time, you can make a request of your audience right after your "4A’s Setting Direction Opening". It’s perfectly okay to ask your audience to hold their questions until the end of the presentation. When you participate in our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we talk about the difference between trying to control your audience’s behavior and influencing their interruptions by letting them know there is something in it for them to wait.


After you’ve attended our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, you can begin to experiment with being stronger in suggesting that holding questions will allow the content to flow more smoothly and, that you may cover answers to their questions along the way.


To register for our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, please contact or




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