Passing on Your Left

"Passing on Your Left"

                                   JH 7/10/14


I was walking alone in quiet contemplation on the rail trail, when a bicyclist hurdled past me at top speed with no warning, on my left, with barely inches to spare. I was startled, and my ancient brain was thrust into fight or flight mode, a state that either produces fear or anger. Neither feel good, and both are uninspiring.


On the very same trail the next day, I was once again in sweet reverie as I enjoyed my quiet morning exercise. A soft but noticeable bicycle bell awakened me from my inner world, gently alerting me that a rider was approaching on my left. And just as my visceral senses perceived the coming motion, an utterly delightful little voice proclaimed with a musical lilt, "Passing on your left." That triggered a very different response in me than the aforementioned experience and I was instantly inspired to reply, "Thank you" using the same light notes the young forewarner fairly sang. And that in turn had the mom bike rider pulling the child laugh softly; all this in about five seconds. It doesn’t take much to inspire or uninspire.


How do you enter someone else’s space at work or home? Abruptly? Gently? Consciously? On automatic? We all stimulate responses in others, and most of us quite regularly. What a great opportunity to notice our effect on people and tweak our approach for the most positive outcome possible. And we both win. Nice!



Jim Hornickel

Director of Training & Development

Bold New Directions


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