We have 70,000 thoughts a day zipping through our heads. We have corresponding zaps of emotion flooding our body; and physical sensations constantly come and go. So what? In our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, and management training programs San Francisco we discuss how these thoughts, feelings and body sensations guide our actions, and our actions (and inactions) produce the results in our life. Again, so what?
Take a look around your life. Are there any results currently there that could be better? Of course there are. What couldn’t be improved. In our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, and management training programs San Francisco, we discuss that to begin to make changes, you need to stop having the old thoughts, feelings, actions… that produced your current results, and start thinking, feeling and acting in new ways for new results.
In our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, and management training programs San Francisco we uncover that good news is that your brain has built-in abilities to be self-aware; to observe your own thoughts etc…; our prefrontal lobes of self-awareness. Try this simple exercise. Close your eyes and count silently to yourself from 1 to 5. While the counter was counting, your frontal lobes were able to observe this counting.
Knowing that the prefrontal lobes of self-awareness come with your package is only the beginning. If you are like most of us, you have probably not been taught how to use this equipment to your best advantage. In our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, and management training programs San Francisco We cover an image that might help you. In movies, TV shows, or perhaps in real life, you’ve probably seen a Security Guard sitting in front of a bank of monitors. They can observe the front gate, multiple corridors, important rooms etc. So imagine yourself as that sitting person, using your prefrontal lobes as monitors of your inner world: thoughts, images, intuitions, inclinations, positive voices, negative voices… When you realize that you do indeed have such a monitor room and that your higher self can sit in the seat and watch the stream of information whenever you choose, well that will change your life. You choose which screens to allow. You turn off any monitor that does not serve your positive visions of who you want to be and what you want to do. This is truly transformational.
So practice sitting in the seat. Notice at first that your mind might be entirely drawn in to a particular monitors’ actions before you remember that you are in charge of where you place your focus. Work at this with patience and you will attain degrees of managing and choosing your life course in ways that you simply never knew existed. Enjoy the journey of expansion and watch the new results unfold.
For more information about our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, and management training programs San Francisco, please contact www.boldnewdirections.com or www. managementtraininginstitute.com
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