Monthly Archives: October 2015

Management Training – WIIFT?

As we deliver management and leadership training globally, the same story emerges over and over again: "Upper management doesn’t listen to us." This is an unwelcome and dysfunctional plight. Attending our management training Seattle, management training seminar Philadelphia, management training courses Chicago, and management training program Atlanta, will give you an opportunity to commiserate with other managers about this communication barrier.


When women and men reach the upper levels on the organizational chart, they remain human. And humans tend to form cliques. And those cliques tend to exclude you. So what will transcend those barriers? Our management training Seattle, management training seminar Philadelphia, management training courses Chicago, and management training program Atlanta, will bring you many useful skills and insights for broaching the gap.


So, WIIFT? (What’s In It For Them?). If you don’t have this answer before you present your request to upper management then you are likely to fail. Abraham Lincoln used the method of giving 2/3 of his prep time thinking about how his audience would take in his messages and 1/3 thinking about what he would actually say. When you attend our management training Seattle, management training seminar Philadelphia, management training courses Chicago, and management training program Atlanta, you get much clearer about the best mindset to be in for persuading senior management about anything important to you.


Your mindset is a huge factor. If you view their authority as intimidating, you will probably not even try to communicate with them. But if you can discover in advance the kinds of things they value, they appreciate, WIIFT, then your confidence level will skyrocket. In our management training Seattle, management training seminar Philadelphia, management training courses Chicago, and management training program Atlanta, we show you how serving your boss will ultimately serve you.


For more information about our management training Seattle, management training seminar Philadelphia, management training courses Chicago, and management training program Atlanta, please contact or


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Presentation Training – Moving Past Fear of Q & A

Fear. Most of us have experienced fear about being asked questions at the end of a presentation that we may not know the answer to. Have you ever been rolling along smoothly in a presentation only to be rattled by a sharp or even accusatory question? Your confidence takes an immediate hit but in our presentation training courses San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, and presentation training class Boston, we explore the emotions behind this and methods to deal with the tough questions and the sometimes difficult person asking them.


When we explore the issue of tough questions, perspective is key. After all, a question is simply a question. Two factors that can have us look at a question as tough are: first, "we" think we need to know every answer. Second, the person asking the question imposes their "you should know the answer" on us in a forceful way. During our presentation training courses San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, and presentation training class Boston, we discuss the role of the egoic mind that gets triggered by other people’s expectations of us.


The simple reply to this is to acknowledge to yourself that you simply cannot know the answer to everything; absolutely not a possibility. Therefore, a huge pressure should be relieved at this admission. You can practice getting a handle on permanently adopting this point of view when you participate in our presentation training courses San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, and presentation training class Boston.


Finally, the tough “questioner” is no reflection on you; that is his or her dominating ego that craves power. We discuss ways to disarm these aggressive people during our presentation training courses San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, and presentation training class Boston.


To register for our presentation training courses San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, and presentation training class Boston, please contact or


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Presentation Training – Using Gestures Effectively

You may not be aware of your body language when presenting but at our presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Boston, and presentation training seminars San Francisco, we show you how important your gestures and body language are to your presentation.


A gesture has meaning and is readable to your audience as your words are audible. During our presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Boston, and presentation training seminars San Francisco, we teach you how to couple a gesture with your oral delivery as a powerful combination for success. Bottom line you will have greater impact with your audience as you integrate more powerful gestures.


Audience members rely heavily upon what they see for full receptivity of information. When you participate in one of our presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Boston, and presentation training seminars San Francisco, you learn the science behind the methods we teach. You will also receive expert feedback about how to integrate gestures for a powerful performance.


Most presenters just get up and talk away, dumping data to a disengaged audience. When you use purposeful gestures, as we teach in our presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Boston, and presentation training seminars San Francisco you will be able to deliver a presentation that is engaging and well rounded.


To learn more about how to gesture effectively, we invite you to attend our presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Boston, and presentation training seminars San Francisco. Please contact and to get a free quote.


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Management Training – Overcoming Self-Doubt

Are you a big thinker who then second guesses yourself? The truth is, we tend limit ourselves and as a result, we are limited. This kind of thinking can absolutely sabotage your goals in life both personally and professionally. We can help you transform your thought process and overcome self-doubt as a manager when you attend one of our management training seminars Philadelphia, management training program Atlanta and management training Washington DC.


There is an important shift needed to get past going for what you want instead of strategizing what you think you can get. The first part of the shift is discovering that you do have limited thinking; limiting beliefs…about what you think is possible. When you attend our management training seminars Philadelphia, management training program Atlanta and management training Washington DC, you begin to lift the covers off the old sight-lines of what is possible.


Your mind will make an argument that some things you want are out of reach because it can’t see any practical means of attaining it. But that’s exactly where the limit lies. We get fooled that what we see is all we can get. But there are a zillion models out there demonstrating something different. Go to the government’s patent bureau and what will you find? Inventions! And by definition, an invention is something that had never been before. Something wanted but initially no way to have it. In our management training seminars Philadelphia, management training program Atlanta and management training Washington DC, we play with creativity as a means to finding more options; what you want vs only what you think you can get. The sky is truly the limit.


Notice your limited thinking about what you want and look for avenues toward what you can get.This will start a new paradigm of thinking; one that says there is nothing that you can’t have. Vision that something in all its components. See it so clearly in your mind that it "feels" undeniably real. With the help of our management training seminars Philadelphia, management training program Atlanta and management training Washington DC, you will begin to notice that the means to have what you want begin to appear where before, you couldn’t see them. Your path will open up!


For more information about our management training seminars Philadelphia, management training program Atlanta and management training Washington DC, please contact or


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Using Creativity in Management

Are you finding yourself in a rut as a manager? Lacking drive or creativity? The truth is, habitual leadership is not really inspiring at all; not to you or to your team. During our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training Boston, and management training Atlanta, we explore creativity and its positive impact on managing people.


You may wonder what extra emphasis on creativity really serves. The work world is always changing. The same thinking that served you yesterday is just slightly obsolete today. For you to stay at the edge of the management game, it will serve you to take a fresh and creative approach, each and every day. That is why we play with thinking and acting outside the box as an essential part of our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training Boston, and management training Atlanta.


Of course there are barriers to everything in the world. And thus, there are barriers to being more creative. We discuss neuroscience in our management training Seattle, management training Boston and management training Atlanta. One of those obstacles is your own brain wiring which thrives on habit. However, the good news is that you can begin the process of creative expansion in very simple ways. Try doing something different five times a day for at least a week (to get some momentum going). Your brain circuitry will light up in new ways. And each time you do this, you expand your thinking and acting. New thoughts for new situations produce new solutions. At our management training Seattle, management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training program San Jose, you understand the necessity of expanding your inventiveness to become a truly enlightened leader. It will serve both you and your team in countless ways.


For more information about our management training Seattle, management training Boston, management training Atlanta, please contact or

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