Monthly Archives: September 2015

Management Training – Collaborative Leadership

As a manager, have you heard the term Collaborative Leadership? One of the core aspects of being a manager is getting things done through others. When you attend our management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training Washington DC, we teach every topic within the practice of being a collaborative leader.


But what does that mean? Collaborating is about working "with" others. You might think that employees work "for you", and hierarchically, you are correct. But when you experience our management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training Washington DC, you are encouraged to separate the “who reports to whom” structure from the dynamics of "working together".


Yes, you are the leader and you likely have earned that role. However, you will discover the tools to become a collaborative leader in our management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training Washington DC. Most of your employees want to be more than just followers and once you understand this you can learn to approach your role more collaboratively.


It’s proven that most humans exhibit a desire to make a difference; to matter in the world. Our management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training Washington DC programs reveal that when you lead collaboratively, when you make it an emphasis to bring out the best within each and every staff member, most people will feel more inclined to make an effort, to give more.


To learn more about the management training Boston, management training Atlanta, and management training Washington DC, please contact or


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Presentation Training – Delivering To a Diverse Audience

As a presenter, you face audiences of great diversity. In fact, if your presenting takes you into the public arena, the chances are that you are presenting to varied audiences regularly and encountering diverse thoughts, behaviors and expectations as a result. Our presentation training courses, presentation training seminars, and presentation training classes, we focus on delivering to a diverse audience and how to engage them all despite differences.


While we truly are all unique, we also have many things in common with each other. Building on that common ground is part of what we highlight in our presentation training courses, presentation training seminars, and presentation training classes.


However, first you’ve got to know your presentation style and be open to improvement for you will learn how to engage your varied audience by focusing on the common ground during our presentation training courses, presentation training seminars, and presentation training classes. You may need to tweak something you thought was effective in order to meet the needs of your audience.


The best part of learning how to relate your material to your audience members is that your own personal/professional development occurs as you work your neurobiological system to accomplish harmony and connectedness with the people you are presenting to. When you attend our presentation training courses, presentation training seminars, and presentation training classes, you get a more clear picture of what this dynamic looks and feels like and will be empowered to continue your progress.


To register for the presentation training courses, presentation training seminars, and presentation training classes please go to or

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Management Training – Know Your Team Personalities

As a manager, part of your job is to deal with under-performing employees. This takes various forms, but often there are a few team members in every department who simply aren’t getting the job done well enough. In our management seminars New York, management training classes Boston, and management courses San Jose, we address the many ingredients it takes to inspire team members to change their behaviors and habits in order to improve performance.


You may be one of the many managers who struggle to inspire your staff member to take greater ownership of their actions and strive for improved performance. Is your message counter-productive?

Using the kind of example we discuss during the management seminars New York, management training classes Boston, and management courses San Jose, of a subordinate consistently surfing the web with personal interest during paid-to-work time. You’ve had an informal conference with them but they are repeating the same unproductive behavior. You are now forced to take a harsher action to curb the behavior.


During our management seminars New York, management training classes Boston, and management training San Jose, you will learn how to use situational leadership, in part based on varying behavior styles. If you are corrective coaching a "Doer", your harder voice and facial expression is no problem. They are very strong minded and almost nothing feels conflictual. But if our example of a Verbal Warning conference is with the Doer’s opposite, the "Guardian", their mental emotional make-up is quite different. These people avoid conflict like the plague. Your voice and face in fact have them feel threatened.


Neuroscience tells us that the middle brain’s limbic system goes into fight/flight or freeze mode when it feels threatened. Therefore simply coming across harsher and more threatening will likely not produce the desired turn around in behavior. The counter-productive aspect is that the person feeling attacked literally cannot hear what you are saying. They physically have audio inability to take your message in never digest, consider and rethink their actions. This may not sound like music to your ears, but this brain science is proven. If you will understand and use this information, you can tailor your approach based on personality. One size does not fit all when it comes to managing people whether in a corrective coaching session or other situations. Improving your knowledge of various Behavior Styles and personalities (as you will in our management training courses New York, management training classes Boston and management training San Jose), will serve you well in your role as manager and leader.


For more information about our management seminars New York, management training classes Boston, and management training San Jose, please contact The Management Training Institute or

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Presentation Training – The Importance of Preparation

Feeling too busy to prepare for your presentation? Too much on your plate? While you know your upcoming presentation is important, you are feeling the pressure of other tasks that are equally or more important. In our presentation training Atlanta, presentation training seminars Washington DC, and presentation training courses San Francisco, we understand your pressures and can help you organize and adequately prepare for your presentation.

During the presentation training Atlanta, presentation training Washington DC, and presentation training courses San Francisco, we encourage you to look at the importance of each and every presentation you deliver and allow for proper preparation. This step will serve you well in the long run and create positive habits.

You may wish to ask yourself, "What is on the line about this presentation?" Envision what will the outcome be if you present effectively; and what the negative results will be if you didn’t prepare and deliver well. When you participate in our dynamic presentation training courses Atlanta, presentation training Washington DC, and presentation training seminars San Francisco, you will understand the important of preparation and learn the tools needed to improve this key part of presenting.

Knowing your material is of course a big part of preparing well. What does your audience need? In what order will you present their needed information? Don’t forget to practice the powerful presentation skills you will take away from our presentation training Atlanta, presentation training courses Washington DC, and presentation training seminars San Francisco.

To register for our presentation training Atlanta, presentation training courses Washington DC, and presentation training seminars San Francisco, please contact or

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Presentation Training – Presenting to Executives

You have an important presentation to make for the top Executives at your company. You are almost sick at the thought of presenting to senior management and there is some legitimate cause for concern. The men and women in top positions have risen to the top of their fields due to intelligence, perseverance and drive. They generally expect more from our presentations than your standard audience and you want to deliver a strong performance. At our presentation training San Jose, presentation skills training New York City, and presentation training San Francisco, we enveil the skills and attitude you will need to be successful with these more demanding folks.


If you’ve done your preparation and you know your material well, you will be able to deliver a solid presentation. Remember that you will know more about your material than the executives do. You have information that they need, so view it from an empowering standpoint. During our presentation training San Jose, presentation skills training New York City, and presentation training San Francisco, we will complement your knowledge with the presentation skills needed to engage even the most discerning audience.


However, you are still battling nerves. When you participate in our presentation training San Jose, presentation skills training New York City, and presentation training San Francisco, you will have an opportunity to look inward at the internal dynamics that you have control over and learn techniques for overcoming your nerves.


For more information about our presentation training Seattle, presentation skills training New York City, and presentation training San Francisco, please contact or


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