Through time, managers have so often mistaken their need to get work done through other people as a set of just tasks and activities. But it can also be a labor of love. During our Management training seminars, Management training classes and Management training Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York, we discuss how managing people is a wonderful opportunity to do so from that place within us that we call heart.
Yes, you still need to drive productivity. You still need to insure that the daily duties of each individual team member gets done in a way that brings the results that your organization wants. But that doesn’t mean you can’t all enjoy the process. When you participate in our Management training seminars, Management training classes and Management training Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York we bring the classes to you from the heart as a model of what you can actually do on the job.
Leading from the heart means many things. The biggest study area involved is EQ-total life intelligence. When you use your entire being, you also of course include the emotional aspects of being a human being. Managers, team members, peers, customers, vendors, all have this quality that we call heart. When you attend our Management training seminars, Management training classes and Management training Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York you will be engaged in the process that looks at all human beings as mental, emotional, physical, social, and yes, even spiritual beings. And all of that is involved in not only using our heads but our hearts.
You will quickly notice the difference after our Management training seminars, Management training classes and Management training Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York, as to whether you are a full-bodied open minded and open the hearted manager, or if your tendencies have been to be leading just from your head; your thoughts, your knowledgebase. That is all needed but absolutely incomplete. Bringing compassion and empathy for instance into leading people, managing people, are some of the essential ingredients in the connection and bond needed for trusting relationships amongst all team players.
For more information, and to register for our Management training seminars, Management training classes and Management training Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York, please contact or
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